IT @Cork


Network West Cork

If you are interested in becoming a partner/sponsor please get in touch
it@cork is a member-driven established technology cluster covering the South-West of Ireland. As a member, they plug your business into the tech ecosystem regionally, nationally and internationally. Please see slide deck for further..
TechIreland is an independent not for profit on a mission to promote Irish and Ireland based innovation to the world through data, content and community activities. Set up in January 2017, TechIreland has made Ireland’s startup ecosystem visible and tangible to all stakeholders for the very first time. Membership will help Promote your own Irish innovation story, Engage with 3,000 strong startup and innovation communities in Ireland and Support free services to early stage Irish startups – data, promotion, connections and workshops. Please see their website for more: https://www.techireland.org/search.
Network Ireland, a progressive, dynamic organisation supporting the professional and personal development of women. Please see https://networkireland.ie/west-cork/ for membership and further details.
With 202 years in business, the Chamber has brought together a thriving business community. Their mission is to make Cork the best place for business. They represent 1,200 companies who employ over 100,000 people across the Cork region. As a member you can attend any of their 100+ networking events or reach out directly using the member database. The Chamber give you access to discounted top QQI accredited training courses, short skills courses, seminars and workshops. Please see Cork Chamber website for further details:.https://chamber.corkchamber.ie/