If you are interested in becoming a partner/sponsor please get in touch
Ludgate is proud to announce the launch of our online virtual academy. This Academy is designed to meet the needs of busy Entrepreneurs. They will have the opportunity to log into the Academy at their own convenience and tap into the wealth of information included within there. We are delighted to have a Resilience module developed as part of the overall academy by Des Golden of Peak Performance. This module is in addition to Financial Planning, Funding calls, Customer Journey mapping and the development and completion of a Business Model Canvas. If you would like further information please contact info@ludgate.ie
The propeller series plays an integral role in our mission to accelerate and nurture businesses at both the pre start up and start up phase. The Ludgate propeller series will run once every 6 weeks and will bring quality speakers and topics to the attendees ranging from: Financial and Educational supports for todays Entrepreneurs, Digitising your Business, Perfecting your Pitch, the Dos and Don’ts of Investment, communicating to succeed, marketing for success to name a few. The beauty of our propeller series is that it is bringing together entrepreneurs allowing for a collaborative environment to be nurtured. The topics covered are relevant across sectors and industries with the realisation that in order to succeed and enable start ups to grow and prosper that we must nurture all with the realisation that Ludgate is at the heart of a vibrant West Cork Community.