Stepping Up. In association with KPMG.
Gender balance and diversity in the workplace is more important today than ever before. Ludgate in association with KPMG are delighted to bring you “Stepping Up”. This event will collect professionals and leaders from different sectors to discuss emerging topics such as skills and knowledge that support the success of women in leadership positions. We will provide a platform for these incredible Leaders to share their journey to the boardroom, what challenges they faced and how they overcame them.
Progress is being made in terms of gender diversity. Ireland has moved up to 13th position from 17th on the list of women on company boards for the largest companies in the EU (as of November 2020). Irish listed companies are continuing to close the gap with their EU peers. As of November 2020, Ireland was just 1.2 percentage points behind the average for the EU-28 (which was 30%) compared to a gap of 8 percentage points in 2018.
We need to continue to support our female workforce to step up and take a seat at the table.
Delighted to present this event in association with KPMG
Event Host: Grainne O’Keeffe, CEO of Ludgate.
Panel Moderator: Grainne McCarthy, Deputy Editor of the Wall Street Journal.
KPMG Representative : Lorraine Sammon, KPMG Partner.
Panel Discussion:
If you are interested in becoming a partner/sponsor please get in touch